Monday 7 September 2020

The Stages of Development of Human Rights

The Stages of Development of Human Rights:- With regard to this, the stages of development of human rights which have been described by Louis B. John are as follows :- Human Rights of First Generation:- The Rights contained in International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, are the first generation of human rights. These are traditional rights of individuals which developed in Greek city states after their consistent use for a long time. These rights have found place in the national constitution of all democratic countries besides, in international conventions including European and African convention. These rights namely the first generation of human rights have been placed in the Constitution of India under part III Articles 12 to 35. These rights are covered in the first generation of human rights because first of all these rights are essential and compulsory for all. Human Rights of Second Generation:-The rights mentioned in International Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, 1966 are called human rights of the second generation. These rights were recognized and developed after accomplishment of Civil and Political Rights. These human rights to be effective, otherwise there would have been no meaning and sense of the rights of first generation. The Second Generation of human rights has been contained under Part-IV Articles 36 to 51 as ‘Directive Principles of State Policy’ of the Constitution of India. These rights come in the second generation because such rights are mandatory and required for all after the human rights of the first generation. Human Rights of Third Generation:-Certain rights which have been incorporated in the Charter of United Nations may be called human rights of third generation. The right to self-determination, rights to development and right to peace are human rights of third generation. The United Nations are working hard realization of these rights.

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