Monday 7 September 2020

Impact of Enforcement System of human rights

Impact of Enforcement System:-In this connection, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar who is called the architect of the Constitution of India said that Article 32 is the soul and spirit of the Constitution of India without it whole Constitution shall be void. In this regard, keeping in view of Rule of Law, ensuring the compliance of principle of Natural justice, good faith, good conscious, morality and justice, as rights are worthless and incomplete without duties in the same way; remedies are worthless and meaningless without enforcement system. In the furtherance of aforesaid, Law is the instrument or means to get the goal or object of justice. Hence the enforcement system must be strong to the strongest with preponderance because it is the backbone and main foundation of the law relating to human rights. The Enforcement system gives the deepest effect on people and Laws to maintain Law & order and democratic system in welfare state. The laxity in Enforcement system & its Law, delay or make delay too much in delivery of justice, corruption, red-tapism, nepotism, partiality or bias, malafide, irregularities, run short of judges and other required persons to work respective and avoidance of the required things are very serious obstacles or hindrances on the way to fair and timely delivery of justice. In the light of heretofore mentioned things, it can be said that not only Enforcement system & its Law are highly required to amend from time to time but also empower because Enforcement system & its Law is one of the major foundations and means of the required and fair delivery of justice. The Law relating to human rights shall never be able to succeed to fulfill its own objects and intention of the legislature, without its the required Enforcement system. It must specifically be paid proper attention; in present scenario that People are really not satisfied with the Enforcement system. The reliability of people towards the Enforcement system is being decreased day by day which is the most serious and controversial issue at this time and also people are very much suffering from the same. In the light of all above said, the impact of the required Enforcement system is being negative as compared to the required positivity according to time and circumstances.

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