Wednesday 9 September 2020

The International Enforcement system of Human Rights- An Overview


The International Enforcement system of Human Rights- An Overview:-

In this connection, the enforcement system is having its own the most specific place to enforce the human rights without the same the concept of human rights can not succeed in any case, in absence of the enforcement system consequently the conception of human rights shall surely get the failure. The whole human rights are non-existent without the enforcement system. The enforcement system of human rights is as necessary & compulsory as air, oxygen, water, fire, sunshine, earth, environment, food, clothes, shelter  and other connected things, without all the same, just as the human life is not possible in same way the human rights is not possible without its enforcement system. In this respect, the International Enforcement system of Human Rights-An overview is being placed hereinafter as under:-

1.     The Role of United Nations in respect of Human Rights

2.     The Role of  United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights

3.     The Role of United Nations’ Economic & Social Council with regard to Human Rights

4.     United Nations’ Human Rights Commission

5.     Human Rights Committee (which conducts the procedure (s) for the implementation of human rights mainly in four ways) as-

(i)                The Reporting Procedure/System

(ii)             The Inter-State Communication System

(iii)           The Conciliation Commission or Procedure System

(iv)           The Individual Communication System

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