Monday 7 September 2020

Classification of Human Rights

Classification of Human Rights:- (a) -Specially Enumerated Human Rights:-The rights which have been covered under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, International covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, International covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights 1966.The rights as fundamental rights have been contained under Part-III article 12 to 35 and Part-IV article 36 to 51 as Directive Principle of State Policy are Specially Enumerated Human Rights. (b) -Not Specially Enumerated Human Rights:-Those rights which have not been mentioned under Part-III and Part-IV of the Constitution of India but the Indian Judiciary namely Supreme Court or High Court (s) of India declared and recognized as fundamental rights or human rights under articles of Constitution of India. (c)- Unremunerated and unrecognized Human Rights:-The rights which have been incorporated under International covenants or Instruments but the rights have not been mentioned under Part-III and Part-IV of the Constitution of India and also the same still has not been declared and accepted by the Indian Judiciary namely Supreme Court or High Court (s) of India.

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