Wednesday 9 September 2020

The International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, 1966, (I.C.E.S.C.R., 1966)


The Preamble:- The preamble of this covenant is similar to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 but up to specific limit. This covenant is considered the Economic Social and Cultural Rights as placed in the U.N. charter & also in the U.D.H.R., 1948 & also provide the recognition of the human rights which are inherent and inalienable as a foundation. It also recognized the human rights which derive from the dignity of individuals inherently. The obligation of the states parties have been considered under the U.N. charter for the promotion, respect universally & observance for human rights & freedoms. The duties of the persons individually have also been realized towards the other persons individually and the community.[1]

The General Provisions (under articles 01 to 05):- The general provisions of this international instrument were contained in the Part 01 & 02.The article 01 is related to the right of self-determination, responsibilities of the states parties and other connected things. Article 02 is in respect of the undertaking of states parties for the realization of the recognized rights under this covenant and the guarantee of the human rights without any kind of discrimination. Article 03 is with regard to the undertakings of the states members for ensuring the equal rights of men and women. Article 04 shows that the states members may impose the limitations on the rights by making laws for the promotion of the welfare of democratic set up. Article 05 is in connection with the interpretation or construction of this covenant which may not be in the destruction of this covenant.

[1] The Preamble of the  International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, 1966, (I.C.E.S.C.R., 1966)

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