Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Preamble of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, (I.C.C.P.R., 1966)


The Preamble: - The preamble of this covenant expresses that the proclaimed principles of the Charter of the United Nations which are considered, extended & reaffirmed and recognized the inherent dignity, equal & inalienable rights of all which is the foundation of freedom, justice, peace in the world by this covenant. Further the Universal declaration of human rights is also recognized for the enjoyment of Civil, Political rights & freedoms along with also economic, social and cultural rights. This preamble reveals also the consideration of the obligation of the States under U.N. Charter for the promotion of universal respect & observance of human rights & freedoms. The realization has been shown in respect of the duties of individual (s) to other individual (s) & the community under a responsibility for striving the promotion & observance of human rights & freedoms as recognized by this instant covenant.[1]

The General Provisions (Under Articles- 01 to 03 & 05):- Article 01(1) of this covenant is in connection with the right of self-determination on the basis of that they provide determination for their political status, freely pursuance of their economic, social and cultural development. Article 01(2) is in respect of the disposal of their natural wealth and resources for their own ends without prejudicial effect related to respective things. Article 01(3) says about the responsibility of the States parties of this covenant. Article 03 is with regard to undertaking of the states, respective for ensuring the equal rights of men and women to enjoy all the civil & political rights of this covenant. Article 05 is in relation to protection preservation and other related things thereof from such interpretation destruction, derogation, limitation on the fundamental human rights against this covenant.

The Rights in connection with Emergency (Under Article- 04):- The state parties of this covenant has right to take the required measures in the time of public emergency which causes the threatens the life of the country and the existence up to the extension of exigency of the situations but the same above said shall not be discriminated on the basis of race, sex, colour, language, religion or social origin.[2]

[1] The Preamble of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, (I.C.C.P.R., 1966).

[2]Article 04 of ibid

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