Tuesday 8 September 2020

The Economic, Social & Cultural Rights (Under articles- 22 to 27) and The Miscellaneous (Under articles- 28 to 30) of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, (U.D.H.R., 1948)


The Economic, Social & Cultural Rights (Under articles- 22 to 27):- The rights are under:-

1.     The right to social security and the free development of the personality.[1]

2.     The right to work, right to free choice of employment, right to just & favourable condition (s) of the work and the right to protection against unemployment.[2]

3.     The right to equal pay for equal work.[3] The right to social protection in connection with the right to just & favourable remuneration for oneself and one’s family an existence worthy of human dignity & supplemented if essential, by other means of the social protection.[4]

4.     The right to form & the right to join trade unions to protect the interests.[5]

5.     The right to rest & leisure with the incorporation of reasonable limitations working hours, holidays periodically, with pay.[6]

6.     The right to a standard of living adequate in respect of health &well being of oneself & family and the right to security in the case of unemployment illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack or livelihood in circumstance (s) beyond control.[7]

7.     The rights of motherhood & childhood regarding the specific entitlement & protection in relation to special care & assistance.[8]

8.     The right to education.

9.     The right to elementary & fundamental education free of cost.The technical & professional education generally shall be available for all. The equal accessibility of higher education shall be for all on the ground of merit.[9] The directions of education shall be for the complete development of human and their personality, for strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for the promotion of peace, fraternity and welfare of all.[10] The parents shall have the prior right to opt the kind of education which shall be provided to their children.[11]

10.                        The rights regarding freely participation in cultural life of the society.

11.                         The right to enjoyment of arts and the right to share in scientific development & its benefit.[12]

12.                        The right to protection of the moral & materials interests with regard to any scientific, literary or artistic production.[13]

The Miscellaneous (Under articles- 28 to 30):- with regard to this, the entitlements of social and international order in which the rights and freedoms placed in this declaration have been provided for fully realization to everyone.[14]

Article 29 (1) reveals about the duties for everyone to the community; the rights & freedoms as contained in this declaration shall be subject to the limitations.[15] The aforesaid rights & freedoms may not be exercised contrary to the purposes &principles of the United Nations.[16] The last article of it as- the interpretation of this declaration may not be as implying for any state or group or person (s) any right to engage in any activity (ies) or for the performance of any act in the destruction of any of the rights or freedoms as placed over here.[17]

[1]Article 22 of Ibid

[2]Article 23 (1) of Ibid

[3]Article 23 (2) of Ibid

[4]Article 23 (3) of Ibid

[5]Article 23 (4) of Ibid

[6]Article 24 of Ibid

[7]Article 25 (1) of Ibid

[8]Article 25 (2) of Ibid

[9]Article 26 (1) of Ibid

[10]Article 26 (2) of Ibid

[11]Article 26 (3) of Ibid

[12]Article 27 (1) of Ibid

[13]Article 27 (2) of Ibid

[14]Article 28 of Ibid

[15]Article 29 (2) of Ibid

[16]Article 29 (3) of Ibid

[17]Article 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

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