Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Provisions relating to Substantive Rights (Under articles 06 to 15) under The International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, 1966, (I.C.E.S.C.R., 1966)


The Provisions relating to Substantive Rights (Under articles 06 to 15):- The Provisions relating to Substantive Rights have been incorporated under the Part 03 which are concisely as under:-

1.     The right to work with freely chooses & safeguards.[1]

2.     The right to enjoy of just and favourable conditions of work, fair wages, equal remuneration for equal work value without any discrimination, safe, healthy conditions, rest, leisure, reasonability of working hours, holidays with pay with remuneration.[2]

3.     The right to make trade unions & join the unions of one’s choice.[3]

4.     The right regarding social security with social insurance.[4]

5.     The rights in respect of the widest possible protection & assistance to the family.[5]

6.     The rights as to special protection of mother before and after the childbirth or maternity, security benefits, paid leaves during the above said for working mothers.[6]

7.     The special rights of all children & youths regarding their protection & assistance. The prohibition & punishment of the child labour.[7]

8.     The rights regarding an adequate standard of living for oneself & family with the inclusion of food, clothes and house.[8]

9.     The fundamental right to be free from hunger.[9]

10.                         The right of enjoyment regarding the highest attainable standard of physical & mental health and medical services.[10]

11.                         The right to education for the full development of the personality of human.[11]

12.                         The right to compulsory & primary education free of charge to all within a reasonable time period.[12]

13.                         The rights with respect to take part in cultural life.[13]

14.                         The right of enjoyment of scientific progress & its application.[14]

15.                        The right of benefit from the protection of moral & material interests.[15]

[1] Article 06 of Ibid

[2] Article 07 of Ibid

[3] Article 08 of Ibid

[4] Article 09 of Ibid

[5] Article 10 (1) of Ibid

[6] Article 10 (2) of Ibid

[7] Article 10 (3) of Ibid

[8] Article 11 (1) of Ibid

[9] Article 11 (2) of Ibid

[10] Article 12 of Ibid

[11] Article 13 of Ibid

[12] Article 14 of Ibid,

[13] Article 15 (1) (a) of Ibid

[14] Article 15 (1) (b) of Ibid

[15] Article 15 (1) (c) of Ibid

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