Tuesday 15 September 2020

The Kinds of Enforcement System of Human Rights in India


The Kinds of Enforcement System of Human Rights in India: -With respect to this, there are mainly two kinds of the Enforcement system of human rights in India as-

1.     The Direct Enforcement System of Human Rights and

2.     The Indirect Enforcement System of Human Rights

The Direct Enforcement System of Human Rights: - In this connection, the Direct Enforcement system of human rights in India is found under article (s) 32 (the Supreme Court of India) and 226 (the High Court) in the Constitution of India & also with the inclusion of the National Human Rights Commission and the State Human Rights Commissions as mentioned in the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993.

The Indirect Enforcement System of Human Rights:-The Indirect Enforcement system with regard to human rights has been contained in other law (s) & other than the aforesaid direct system that is the Indirect Enforcement system under the relevant Laws as -the Human Rights Courts under section 30[1], other courts, tribunals & etc.

[1]The Protection of Human Rights Act 1993

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