Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Human Rights Committee


The Human Rights Committee:- The Human Rights Committee has been contained under Part-04 articles 28 to 45 of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights 1966. This Committee has been constituted for the implementation of the Civil & Political Rights as mentioned in the heretofore placed Covenant. The functions of it are highly worth appreciating for the interest of all without all the discriminations as required under the exceptions and criticisms. This Committee is consisted with 18 members who shall have the high moral character, recognized competency in the human rights field and others connected. The above said members shall be elected & their services shall be in personal capacity.[1] The election shall be conducted by the secret ballot. The nomination shall be provided by the State members to the covenant for such persons who are having qualifications as contained hereinbefore but only two persons or nationals may be nominated by the each State member.[2] Only one person or national of the same state may be included in the committee.[3] The committee members shall be elected for four years they may be re-elected on the re-nomination. The elected nine members in the first election, their term (s) of office shall expire at the end of two years after the first election with immediate effect these nine members name shall be opted by lot by the meeting chairman as mentioned in the article 30 of this covenant.[4] This Committee conducts the procedure for the implementation of human rights mainly in four ways as-

(i)                 The Reporting Procedure/System

(ii)             The Inter-State Communication System

(iii)           The Conciliation Commission or Procedure System

(iv)           The Individual Communication System

[1]Article 28 of Ibid

[2]Article 29 of Ibid

[3]Article 31(1) of Ibid

[4]Article 32 of Ibid

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