Tuesday 8 September 2020

The Relevant & Important Provisions relating to Human Rights under U.N. Charter


The Relevant & Important Provisions relating to Human Rights under U.N. Charter: - The Charter of United Nations (U.N.) was enforced on 24 October, 1945 which is having the 111 articles 19 Chapters. This Charter is the foundation document of the United Nations. The Relevant & Important Provisions relating to Human Rights under U.N. Charter are as follows:-

1.     In the Preamble of U.N. Charter

2.     In the Purposes and Principles of U.N. Charter (Under Article- 1 (3))

3.     In respect of the General Assembly (Under Article- 55 (c))

4.     Article 56 of the Charter of United Nations with regard to pledge of all members in relation to take action also for human rights jointly and separately.

5.     With regard to the objects of the International Economic and Social Co-operation (Under Article- 13 (2)) as mentioned in Chapters-09 and 10

6.     Regarding Economic and Social Council (Under Article- 62 (2))

7.     With respect to Economic and Social Council in relation to set up to a Commission (s) to promote the human rights (Under Article- 68)

8.     In relation to the objects of the Trusteeship System(Under Article- 76 (c))

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