Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Inter-State Communication System


The Inter-State Communication System:- The Inter-State Communication System has been mentioned under Part-04 article 41(1)(a) to 41(h)(ii) & its clause 02 of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights 1966 which provide the procedure or system, limitation and others connected things for the implementation of the rights of the above said covenant as follows:-

The Declaration of State member (s) to the Covenant in respect of recognizance & competency of the Human rights committee and Regarding Claim (s) of a State member (s) against another State member (s) as to not fulfilling the obligation (s) of the covenant:- the state member of the covenant may declare in itself the recognizance & competency of the Human rights committee under this article 41 at any time for receiving & considering the communications to the effect. When any state member claims that the state member to this covenant is not performing its obligations under this international covenant. In this connection, the another state member who is such claiming may furnish the communications to the Human rights committee and the committee shall receive such communications & consider the same as submitted by the state, subjecting to the aforesaid declaration in itself with respect to the recognizance & competence of the Human rights committee for the same. The committee shall not receive any communication (s) of the state member by which the above said declaration is not done. The received communication (s) under this article 41 shall be entertained in according to the procedure which is as under[1]: -

[1]Article 41(1) of Ibid

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