Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Relevant & Major International Instruments relating to Human Rights


The Relevant & Major International Instruments relating to Human Rights:- In addition to all the aforesaid, many International Instruments relating to Human Rights have been adopted by the United Nations but the expiations or elaborations of all the same is not possible & convenient over here therefore an overview concisely of the relevant & major International Instruments relating to human rights are being mentioned hereinafter which are as under:-

A.   The First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant relating to the Civil and Political Rights, 1966:- This optional protocol has been brought in to the enforcement on 23 March, 1976 which was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly’s resolution 2200 A (21) dated on 16.12.1966  which are having contained 14 articles. This optional protocol has been made for furtherance of achievement (s) of purposes & implementation appropriately of the International Covenant relating to the Civil and Political Rights, 1966 for enabling the ‘Human Rights Committee’ as contained in the Part- 04 of the Covenant to receive & consider the communications from individuals as a victim (s) of violation (s) of the rights as mentioned in the Covenants.[1] Hence it is related to the enforcement system namely ‘Human Rights Committee’ of the human rights of its Covenant by individual (s) communication (s) system for the protection, promotion & preservation of the human rights.

B.   The Second Optional Protocol with respect to the Civil and Political Rights:- this protocol has been adopted & declared by the U.N. General Assembly’s resolution 44/128 dated on 15.12.1989 & was came into force on 11.07.1991 which has11 articles in respect of the abolition of the death penalty for the enhancement of the human dignity & progressive development of human rights and to enjoy the right to life. Therefore it has been enforced.[2]

C.   The aforesaid International Instruments with regard to the prevention of discrimination:-

1.     The Convention relating to discrimination, employment & occupation, 1958 (which was come into force on 15 June, 1960)

2.      The Convention against the discrimination in education, 1960 (which was brought in to enforcement on 22 May, 1962)

3.     The Convention in respect of  equal remuneration, 1951 (which was come in to enforcement on 23 May, 1953)

D.   Regarding Genocide:-

1.     The prevention & punishment of the crime of Genocide, 1948 (which was enforced on 12 January, 1951)

E.   Regarding Slavery, Forced Labour:-

1.     The slavery convention, 1926 (which was enforced on 07 July, 1955)

2.     The supplementary convention on abolition of slavery, 1956 (which was enforced on 30 April, 1957)

3.     The convention in respect of abolition of forced labour (which was enforced on 17 January, 1959)

4.     The convention with respect to the suppression of the traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the prostitution of others, 1950 (which was come in to force on 25 July, 1951)

5.     The convention with regard to the suppression of the traffic in women and children, 1921 & amended in 1947 by a protocol.

F.    Relating to Nationality, Statelessness and Refugees:-

1.     The convention in relation to the nationality of married women, 1957 (with effected from  11 August, 1957)

2.     The convention in connection with the reduction of Statelessness, 1961 (with effected from  13 December, 1975)

3.     The convention with respect of the status of refugees, 1951 (with effected from  12 April, 1954)

4.     The protocol in connection with the status of refugees, 1966 (with effected from  04 October, 1967)

5.     The statute in respect of the United Nations  High Commissioner for refugees, 1950

G.  Regarding Freedom of Association:-

1.     The convention in connection with the international right of correction, 1962 (with effected from  12 August, 1962)

2.     The convention relating to the freedom of association  and protection of the right to organize, 1948 (I.L.O.) (with effected from  04 July, 1950)

3.     The convention in relation to the right to organize & collective bargaining, 1949 (I.L.O.) (with effected from  18 July, 1951)

H.  Regarding Employment Policy:-

1.     The convention in respect of  concerning employment policy, 1964 (I.L.O.) (with effected from  19 May, 1966)

I.      Regarding Political Rights of Women:-

1.     The convention on the Political rights of women, 1952 (with effected from  07 July, 1954)

J.     Regarding Marriage, Family, Children & Youth:-

1.     1.The convention with regard to the consent for marriage, minimum age for marriage & registration of marriage, 1962 (with effected from 09 December, 1964)

K.  Regarding Apartheid:-

1.     The International convention relating to the suppression of the crime of apartheid, 1973 (with effected from  18 July, 1976)

L.   Regarding Racial Discrimination:-

1.     The International convention in connection with the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, 1965 (with effected from  04 January, 1969)


M. Regarding Torture:-

1.     The convention against torture & other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment, 1984 (with effected from  26 June, 1987)

N.   Regarding the Rights of Child or Children:-

1.     The convention with respect to the rights of the child, 1989 (with effected from  02 September, 1990)

2.     The declaration on the rights of child, 1924

O.  Regarding Migrant Workers:-

1.     The convention in respect of the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families, 1990 (with effected from  18 December, 1990)

P.    Regarding the Persons with Disabilities:-

1.     The convention with regard to the rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006 (with effected from  03 May, 2008)

Q.  Miscellaneous:-

1.     The Universal copyright convention, 1952 (with effected from 16 December, 1953)

2.     The Hague convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, 1954 (with effected from  07 August, 1956)

3.     The convention in respect of the means of prohibition and prevention of the illicit import, export and the transfer of ownership of cultural property, 1970 (with effected from  24 April, 1972)

4.     The convention relating to the protection of the world cultural and national heritage, 1972

5.     The International convention in respect of the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance, 2007

6.     The declaration in relation to the promotion among youth of the ideals of peace, mutual respect &  understanding between people, 1965

7.     The elimination of discrimination against women, 1967

8.     The elimination of violence against women, 1993

9.     The declaration on social & legal principles with regard to the protection & welfare of children in special reference to the foster placement and adoption nationally and Internationally 1986

10.                        The declaration on the principles of international cultural cooperation, 1966

11.                         The declaration in respect of the rights to development 1986

12.                         The Vienna Declaration relating to human rights 1993[3]

R.   Others & etc.

In this connection, many international instruments are available but the explanation over here of all is not possible therefore the list of the same briefly has been contained hereinbefore which reveal that the United Nations & its organs are functioning good in relation to the human rights but the same also is not free from the all justified exceptions and criticisms in according to time, circumstances, necessities and other connected things for welfare and interest of people and their personal liberty, living creatures and creation.

[1]The Preamble of the First Optional Protocol to this International Covenant relating to the Civil and Political Rights, 1966.

[2]The Preamble of the Second Optional Protocol to this International Covenant relating to the Civil and Political Rights, 1966.


[3] Dr. T.P. Tripathi: Human Rights: Allahabad Law Agency: Publication, 4th Edition 2011 Page No 61-66.

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