Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Role of United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights


The Role of United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights:- It is an agency of the United Nations which has been constituted on 20 December, 1993 in consequences of the world conference of human rights 1993 for the protection & promotion of human rights as contained in the International covenants, Universal declaration of human rights and other instruments related to this.  José Ayala Lasso’ was the first High Commissioner for Human Rights during the period of 1994 to 1997. In present time ‘Ms.Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria’ is the High Commissioner for Human Rights who has been elected by the U.N. General Assembly on 10 August, 2018 her office tenure is from 01 September, 2018 to 31 August, 2018. The United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights has the objects which are as follows:-

1.     Promoting the enjoyment of human rights universally.

2.     Performing the leading role in respect of the issues of human rights &emphasizing the importance of human rights at the level of national &international.

3.     Promoting the co-operation of human rights internationally.

4.     Doing the actions in relation to the encouragement & co-ordination for human rights in the system of United Nations.

5.     Promoting the ratification & implementation universally of international standard (s).

6.     Providing assistance in the development of new norms

7.     Providing the support to human rights organs & monitoring body (ies) of Treaty (ies).

8.     Furnishing the response (s) for the serious violation of human rights.

9.     Undertaking the preventive action (s) for human rights.

10.                        Promoting the establishment of the national infrastructure for human rights.

11.                           Undertaking the field activity (ies) & operation(s) for human rights

12.                         Conferring the education, the service (s) of information advisory & technical assistance with regard to the human rights field.[1]

The United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights is having the great role & importance for the protection, development, implementation, preservation and others connected things of human rights for the welfare and interest of all beyond all kinds of biases, subjecting to the exceptions as required in accordance with time & circumstances.

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