Tuesday 8 September 2020



1.     In the Preamble of U.N. Charter: - the Preamble of U.N. Charter reveals that the coming generations be saved from the scourge of war. Human has already been suffered from the wars, its consequences, untold, unexpressed sorrow and other related things therefore we, all the peoples of United Nations provide the reaffirmation and faith in fundamental human rights, dignity, worth of person with equal rights in men & women. For the promotion of social progress and better standard of life in the larger freedoms.

2.     In the Purposes and Principles of U.N. Charter (Under Article- 1 (3)):- The purposes & principles of United Nations have been mentioned under article 01 to 02.[1] In which the most important is clause 03 of the article 01 of the Charter which shows that the promotion and encouragement of respect towards human rights & fundamental freedoms for all without discrimination of race, sex, language & religion. It is one of the major purposes of the United Nations in connection human rights. The purposes of it shall be fulfilled according to the principles which have been laid down in article 02.

3.     In respect of the General Assembly (Under Article- 55 (c)):- Many responsibilities, functions & powers  have been conferred to the General Assembly of U.N. but also further relating to human rights which are as- shall promote the universal respect & observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons without any discrimination of  race, sex, language or religion.[2]

4.     Article 56 of the Charter of United Nations with regard to pledge of all members in relation to take action also for human rights jointly and separately: - This article 56 express that all members of this organization pledged that themselves that they shall take action jointly and separately in co-operation with the U.N. to achieve the purposes as contained in article 55 which shall also includes one the main purposes of human rights.

5.     With regard to the objects of the International Economic and Social Co-operation (Under Article- 13 (2)) as mentioned in Chapters-09 and 10:- In this regard, the responsibilities, functions and powers have been assigned in the chapters 09 and 10 of the Charter of U.N. regarding human rights.

6.     Regarding Economic and Social Council (Under Article- 62 (2)):- the composition of the Economic and Social Council has been contained under article 61, function, power articles 62 to 67 & procedure in articles 68 to72 of Chapter 10 of the Charter. The Economic and Social Council has power & also function to furnish recommendations for the fulfillment of the purposes with regard to the promotion, respect and observance of human rights & fundamental freedoms for all.[3]

7.     With respect to Economic and Social Council in relation to set up to a Commission (s) to promote the human rights (Under Article- 68):- The Commission (s) shall be established to promote the human rights and such other Commission (s) according to requirements for performing its functions in the economic and social fields by the Economic and Social Council.[4]

8.     In relation to the objects of the Trusteeship System (Under Article- 76 (c)):- the fundamental objects of the Trusteeship System shall be according to the contained purposes of the U.N. but the Trusteeship System shall do the encouragement for the respect of human rights & fundamental freedoms for all beyond the distinctions of race, sex, language, or religion and also do the encouragement of the recognition of the independence of the peoples of the world.[5]

The various provisions have been incorporated under the Charter of United Nations relating to human rights but the main & important provisions were contained hereinbefore as per the most special view of convenience and this instant research. Hence we now arrived to the finding (s) that human rights have been placed in the basic purposes and principles of the United Nations which is highly & mostly worth appreciating, significant and historic for the respect, protection, promotion, preservation and other things connected there from all these. All the aforesaid things also expresses that the U.N. is committed for the development, respect, protection, preservation, enforcement of human rights.

[1]The Charter of United Nations.

[2] Article 55  (c) of the Charter of United Nations.

[3] Article 62  (3) of Ibid

[4]Article 68 of the Charter of United Nations.

[5]Article 76 of Ibid

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